Leonardo Fiorespino, PhD.
Leonardo Fiorespino joined the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in January 2023. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Philosophy from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, an MSc in Comparative Political Thought from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London), and a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from Sapienza University of Rome. He is the editor of two books published in 2020 and 2022, and the author of Radical Democracy and Populism: A Thin Red Line? (Springer, Cham 2022). His current research focuses on contemporary democratic theory, populism and its relationship with democracy, degenerations of democracy, the public interest, and normativity in political theory. He teaches philosophy and ethics at the University of New York in Prague.
Position: Postdoctoral researcher
Research interests: democratic theory, ‘the people’, populism, political normativity
Selected publications:
Radical Democracy and Populism: A Thin Red Line?, Springer, Cham, 2022
Edited books
The Persistence of Justice as Fairness: Reflections on Rawls’s Legacy (edited with V. Fabbrizi), UniversItalia, Collana Ricerca Continua, Roma, 2022
Crisi e Trasformazioni, Vol. 2: Filosofie e processi storico-sociali (edited with A. Collacchi), UniversItalia, Roma, 2020
Specialized publications
“The “Democratic People” as Democracy’s Fingerprint?”, forthcoming.
“Incompatible sovereigns: Populism, democracy and the two peoples”, in Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2023 (OnlineFirst: https://doi.org/10.1177/01914537231182912)
“Introduction. The Persistence of Justice as Fairness” (with V. Fabbrizi), in V. Fabbrizi and L. Fiorespino (eds.), The Persistence of Justice as Fairness: Reflections on Rawls’s Legacy, UniversItalia, Collana Ricerca Continua, Roma, 2022, pp. 5-17
“Sketches of a politics of affects in Rawls’s liberalism”, in V. Fabbrizi and L. Fiorespino (eds.), The Persistence of Justice as Fairness: Reflections on Rawls’s Legacy, UniversItalia, Collana Ricerca Continua, Roma, 2022, pp. 19-39
“Le crisi dietro ‘La Crisi’”, in A. Collacchi and L. Fiorespino (eds.), Crisi e Trasformazioni, Vol. 2: Filosofie e processi storico-sociali, UniversItalia, Roma, 2020, pp. 13-25
“Quale popolo sovrano? Un confronto tra Jürgen Habermas e John Rawls”, in G. Brancato, G. D’Ambrosio, E. De Marchis, R. Gallo, M. Stolfi, M. Tedesco (eds.), CNDSS: Atti della IV Conferenza Nazionale delle Dottorande e dei Dottorandi in Scienze Sociali, Sapienza Università Editrice, Roma, 2020, pp. 331-340
Book reviews
Review of M. Tushnet and B. Bugarič, Power to the People: Constitutionalism in the Age of Populism, Oxford University Press, in International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2023, 21(4), pp. 1248-1252
Review of A. Taraborrelli, Hannah Arendt e il cosmopolitismo: Stato, comunità, mondi in comune, Mimesis, in Politica & Società (3/2022, settembre-dicembre), pp. 461-468
Blogs and online contributions
“Recently Published Book Spotlight: Radical Democracy and Populism: A Thin Red Line?” (with M. Stohlman-Vanderveen), in the Blog of the American Philosophical Association, May 2022 (invited)
“I classify, therefore I know?”, in the ECPR (The Loop) series “Science of Democracy”, May 2022 (invited)
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