Doc. Marek Hrubec
Marek Hrubec is a social and political philosopher and expert in global studies. His research focuses on social critique, social and political justice and equality in global contexts, especially in the Global South. Since 2021, he was Head of the Department of Moral and Political Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences and, from 2006 to 2021, founding Director of the Centre for Global Studies there. From 2016 to 2021, he was the founding Coordinator of a Strategic Research Programme called Global Conflicts and Local Interactions. Since 2017, he has been a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. Since 2022, he has been a Council Member of the Global Studies Association of North America. He has lectured and conducted research in numerous countries in the European Union, the USA, the UK, Brazil, China, Uruguay, Kazakhstan, India, Burundi, Nigeria, Ethiopia, etc.
ORCID: 0000-0001-9498-8678
ResearcherID: H-2768-2014
Position: senior research fellow
Research Interests:
- social and political justice
- Global South
Selected Publications:
Favarati, C., Hrubec, M., Uproar against liberal majoritarianism. Critiques from African perspectives. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Vol. 23 (2024), No. 5, pp. 279-303.
Hrubec, M., and Višňovský, E., eds. Towards a New Research Era: Global Comparison of Research Distortions. Leiden and Boston: Brill 2023. Including a chapter: Hrubec, M., Research Change within Social Change, pp. 29-44. Also in the Slovak edition: K nové vědecké éře. Globální srovnání vědeckých deformací. Bratislava: Spolok slovenských spisovaťelov 2023.
Hrubec, M., Kasanda, A., eds. Africa in a Multilateral World. London and New York: Routledge 2022. Including a chapter: Hrubec, M., Towards Africa's model in a polylateral world, pp. 19-50.
Hrubec, M., Brabec, M., Minářová, M., La Renta Básica en el Mundo. Argumentos, Experimentos, Historia. Santiago de Chile: Ariadna 2024.
Also in the English edition: Basic Income in the World. Arguments, Experiments, History. Prague: Epocha, the 2nd edition 2022, the 1st edition 2021.
Also in the Czech edition: Základní příjem ve světě. Argumenty, experimenty, dějiny. Praha: Epocha, the 2nd edition 2022, the 1st edition 2021.
Hrubec, M., The Frankfurt School at 100: The Perspective of a Trichotomic Critical Theory. Human Affairs, Vol. 32 (2022), pp. 358-368.
- monographies
- articles
- chapters
- popularisation
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