IMG 1417 kopie


Martin Brabec, PhD.


Martin Brabec is s research assistant in the Department of Political Philosophy and Globalization Research at the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. In his research, he covers several interrelated and connected topics: the origin of capitalism and its definition aa; the relationship between democracy and capitalism; contradictions of liberal and democratic features within liberal democracy; unconditional basic income and the moral limits of the market.  He is a graduate of doctoral studies in sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague. He lectures at the Technical University of Liberec on contemporary Political Philosophy, history of political thought and political Science.


ORCID: 0000-0002-1108-732X
ID: AFI-1321-2022


Position: research assistant


Research interests:
- political philosophy normative theory
- capitalism and the moral limits of the market
- contradictions of liberal democracy


Selected publications:

Brabec, Martin: Freedom (Not Only) in Research and the Academic Context. In. (Ed. Hrubec, M.; Višňovský, E.)Towards a New Research Era. A Global Comparison of Research Distortions. Leiden: Brill, 2023, s. 72-85. ISBN 978-90-04- 54493-2.

Brabec, Martin, Hrubec, Marek, Minářová, M. Basic Income in the World: Arguments, Experiments, History. Prague: Epocha 2021. ISBN 978-80-278-0063-6.

Brabec, Martin: Svoboda, rovnost, a kapitalismus: koncepce (negativní) svobody u Geralda A. Cohena. In Politické Vedy. Vol. 23, No. 3, 2020. pp. 45-68, ISSN 1335 – 2741.

Brabec, Martin: Interconnection of Class and Race with Capitalism.  Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. Roč. 18, 1/2 (2019), s. 36-46. ISSN 1569-1500.

Brabec, M.: Recognition of Laborers as Citizens: First Worker Democracy versus Liberal Capitalist Democracy. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology. Roč. 15, 1/2 (2016), s. 157-165. ISSN 1569-1500. 


- monographies
- articles
- chapters
- popularisation


Grants, research fellowships, scholarships and awards:
- AV21 Strategy Program: Global conflicts and local contexts
2020 Activity Solver: Freedom, the Market, and Morality
- AV21 Strategy Program: Resilient Society for the 21st Century.
2021 Activity Solver: Scarce Resources in a Time of Pandemic
- AV21 Strategy Program: Global conflicts and local contexts
2021 Activity Solver: Justice and the Market Society
- Strategy Program AV21: Global conflicts and local contexts
2022 Activity Solver: The Concept of Science in a Market Society

In the years 2019 - 2023, he was a member of the evaluation panel of GA CR P 401 "Philosophy". He is a member of the international advisory committee of the Institute of Political Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences


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