Jan Bíba, PhD.
Jan Bíba’s research focuses on theories of democracy, theories of political representation, and the history of political thought. In addition to his own research, he is also an editor and translator. He lectures at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.
Orcid: 0000-0003-3680-5700
Researcher ID: KFH-1400-2024
Position: researcher
Research Interests:
- democratic theory
- history of Political Thought
- selected Publications
Selected publications:
Bíba, J. Estetické čtení Vladaře, Karolinum, Praha 2022.
Bíba, J. „Machiavelli against the Venice myth: a sixteenth-century dialogue on the nature of political representation“ in Disch, Sande, Urbinati (eds.) The Constructivist Turn in Political Representation, Edinburgh University, Press, Edinburgh 2019, s. 48–64.
Bíba, J. „Symbolic representation and the paradox of responsive performativity“, in Human Affairs. 2015, vol. 25, Issue 2, s. 153–163, doi: 10.1515/humaff-2015-0014.
Bíba, J. „Democratic Spectatorship beyond Plebiscitarianism: On Jeffrey Green’s Ocular Democracy“, in Bíba, Znoj (eds.) A Crisis of Democracy and Representation, FILOSOFIA, Praha 2017, s. 71-91.
Bíba, J., Dvořák, T. a Štefek, M. „Ambiguity Towards the EU as a Destiny of Czech Politics: the Case of the ANO Movement“ in Carp, Matiuța (eds.) 2019 European Elections: The EU Party Democracy and the Challenge of National Populism. Brill, Leiden 2020, s. 204–217, doi.org/10.1163/9789004435148_015
Grants, research fellowships, scholarships and awards:
- 2023-dosud: Národní institut pro výzkum socioekonomických dopadů nemocí a systémových rizik (SYRI); ID: GA MŠk(CZ) LX22NPO5101; člen řešitelského týmu; https://www.syri.cz/
- 2021 Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society, University of Minho, Visiting fellow
- 2016 Paul Celan Fellowship, IWM, Vídeň
- 2015 Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, Visiting fellow
- 2011 Centre for Theoretical Studies in Social Science and Humanities, University of Essex, Visiting fellow
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